Seologist - North American Premier SEO Company

Boost Your Online Visibility and Drive Results

Low Search Engine Rankings?

Insufficient Website Traffic?

Poor Conversion Rates?

Outdated SEO Strategies?

Look no further!

Seologist is your trusted SEO company in USA and Canada, recognized as the best SEO company for delivering unparalleled search engine optimization services. Our seasoned SEO specialists craft bespoke strategies to elevate your online visibility, drive organic traffic, and boost your search engine rankings.

Core SEO Services

Our comprehensive SEO services cover every aspect of search engine optimization.
From in-depth SEO audits to tailored SEO strategies, we leave no stone unturned
in our quest to improve your online visibility.

SEO Audit

Our comprehensive SEO audit delves deep into your website's performance, uncovering hidden issues and opportunities. We analyze everything from technical SEO elements to content quality and backlink profiles, providing a clear roadmap for improvement.

SEO Strategy

Tailored to your unique business goals, our SEO strategy combines data-driven insights with creative solutions. We craft a bespoke plan that addresses your specific challenges, leveraging the latest SEO trends to outpace your competitors in search rankings.

Technical SEO

Our technical SEO experts optimize your website's infrastructure, ensuring search engines can easily crawl and index your content. From improving site speed to implementing schema markup, we enhance your site's technical foundation for better search visibility.

Local SEO

Dominate local search results with our targeted local SEO services. We optimize your Google My Business listing, manage local citations, and implement location-specific keywords to boost your visibility in local search engine results pages.

On-page SEO

We fine-tune every aspect of your website's pages to maximize relevance and user experience. Our on-page SEO services include optimizing meta descriptions, headings, content structure, and internal linking to improve your search engine rankings.

Off-page SEO

Build your website's authority with our comprehensive off-page SEO strategies. We focus on acquiring high-quality backlinks, managing online reputation, and enhancing your brand's presence across the web to boost your site's credibility in the eyes of search engines.

Specialized Services

Harness the power of content marketing and e-commerce SEO to dominate your niche.
Our keyword research and brand management services ensure your digital presence
aligns perfectly with your business goals.

Content Marketing

Our content marketing strategies go beyond mere SEO. We create engaging, valuable content that resonates with your target audience, establishing your brand as an industry authority while naturally incorporating relevant keywords for improved search rankings.

E-Commerce SEO

Boost your online store's visibility with our specialized e-commerce SEO services. We optimize product pages, enhance site structure, and implement e-commerce-specific SEO strategies to drive more qualified traffic and increase conversions.

Keyword Research

Our in-depth keyword research uncovers the terms and phrases your target audience is actually searching for. We identify high-value keywords with the perfect balance of search volume and competition, ensuring your content ranks for the most impactful terms.


Protect and enhance your online reputation with our brand management services. We monitor your brand mentions, manage reviews, and implement strategies to ensure your brand maintains a positive image in search results and across the web.

Reputation Management

Our reputation management services help you take control of your online narrative. We work to suppress negative content, promote positive mentions, and implement strategies to build and maintain a sterling online reputation for your brand.


Our data-driven SEO strategies consistently propel websites to the top of search results. We've helped numerous clients achieve first-page rankings for highly competitive keywords, often securing multiple top-5 positions. Our approach guarantees sustainable, long-term improvement in search visibility.

Advanced Solutions

Tackle complex SEO challenges with our advanced solutions. From EEAT improvement
to Google penalty recovery, our experienced SEO agency has the expertise to handle
even the most intricate SEO issues.

Enterprise SEO

Our enterprise SEO services cater to large-scale websites and complex organizational structures. We develop personalized SEO strategies that address the unique challenges of enterprise-level SEO, ensuring consistent performance across vast web properties.

Google Penalty Recovery

If your site has been hit by a Google penalty, our recovery services can help. We identify the root cause of the penalty, develop a recovery strategy, and implement necessary changes to restore your site's standing in search results.

E-E-A-T Improvement

Boost your website's Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness, and Experience (E-E-A-T) signals. We implement strategies to enhance your site's credibility in the eyes of search engines, improving your rankings for critical queries in your industry.

Link Building

Our ethical link building services focus on acquiring high-quality, relevant backlinks that boost your site's authority. We use a variety of white-hat techniques to build a natural, diverse link profile that enhances your search engine rankings.

Social SEO

Harness the power of social media to boost your SEO efforts. Our social SEO strategies integrate social signals into your overall SEO campaign, enhancing your online visibility and driving engaged traffic to your website.

SEO Consulting

Tap into our wealth of SEO knowledge with our consulting services. Whether you need guidance on specific SEO challenges or want to enhance your in-house SEO capabilities, our experts provide invaluable insights and actionable advice.

Our 6-Step SEO Process

About us

Company Overview

Seologist, founded in 2003, has evolved from its UK roots to become one of the best SEO companies in Canada. Having started with a vision to provide exceptional SEO services to ambitious brands, we've evolved into a dynamic organization, driven by our team's passion for excellence. Our carefully selected experts, combined with proprietary technology, create unrivaled SEO solutions. We believe in tailored strategies, approaching each client's needs like a master tailor crafting a bespoke suit.

Mission statement

At Seologist, our mission is to empower businesses with cutting-edge strategies that drive sustainable growth. As a leading SEO service provider, we're committed to delivering measurable results, fostering long-term partnerships, and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in search engine optimization SEO.

Years of Combined
SEO Experience
Retention Rate
SEO Campaigns
in Top 3
SEO Visitors
Qualified SEO
Leads & Sales
Pieces Created
Brownie Points
for Client Happiness!

We are proud to serve hundreds of brands

canadian tire
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Team Highlights

Our strength lies in our diverse marketing team of over 10 digital marketing professionals, each bringing unique expertise to our marketing agency. From content specialists to technical SEO wizards, our team boasts an average of 7+ years of experience in their respective fields.

As a recent addition to OneCore Media, we've further expanded our capabilities, collaborating with a wider network of experts to offer holistic digital marketing services. Our proprietary technology and innovative strategies set us apart from other SEO agencies, enabling us to tackle complex challenges with confidence and creativity.


Why Choose Seologist?

Professional Team

Our North American team comprises seasoned SEO experts, each bringing a wealth of experience from diverse digital marketing backgrounds. With an average of 10+ years in the industry, our professionals stay at the forefront of SEO trends and Google algorithm updates.

Proven Track Record

As a leading digital marketing agency, Seologist has consistently delivered top-notch results for businesses across various industries, making us one of the best SEO companies in Canada. Our success in search engine marketing speaks volumes about our expertise.

Customized Strategies

We understand that no two businesses are alike. Our SEO service providers craft personalized strategies tailored to your unique goals, target audience, and industry. We optimize every aspect of your online presence, from web design to Google search performance, ensuring maximum ROI for your digital marketing investment.

Cutting-Edge Techniques

As an award-winning digital marketing agency, we stay ahead of the curve. Our experts continuously update their skills, leveraging the latest SEO tools and web design techniques to give your business a competitive edge in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Featured on

  • CBC News
  • Forbes
  • Dx3
  • Huffpost
  • IBM
  • SAP

Client Success Stories

Explore Recent SEO Trends

Our Winning Formula

Contact Us

Reach out to our SEO team today at 1-866-811-7993, toll-free across the USA and Canada. Whether you're looking for local SEO services or a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, we're here to help your business thrive online.

Free Consultation

Our SEO experts will discuss your business goals, current challenges, and SEO expectations. We'll provide initial insights and explain how our SEO services can benefit your online business.

Custom Proposal

Based on our consultation, we'll craft a bespoke SEO proposal outlining our recommended strategies, timelines, and expected outcomes. Our transparent approach ensures you understand every aspect of our SEO efforts.

Strategy Approval

Once you're satisfied with the proposal, we'll refine any details and get your approval to proceed. Our collaborative approach ensures your SEO campaign aligns perfectly with your business objectives.


Our SEO specialists spring into action, implementing the agreed-upon SEO strategies. From technical SEO to content creation and link building, we handle every aspect of your SEO campaign.

Ongoing Optimization and Reporting

We continuously monitor your SEO campaign's performance, providing regular reports and insights. Our agile approach allows us to quickly adapt to changes in search engine algorithms or market conditions.

Ready to Dominate Search Results?

Let Seologist unlock your website's full potential. Our data-driven SEO strategies
drive targeted traffic, boost conversions, and maximize your online presence.

Frequently Asked Questions

What services does Seologist offer besides SEO?

As a comprehensive digital marketing agency, we offer a range of services including web development, paid advertising management, and e-commerce website optimization. Our SEO experts can integrate these services to create a holistic online strategy for your business.

How long does it take to see results from SEO?

While every case is unique, most clients start seeing improvements in their search rankings within 3-6 months. However, SEO is a long-term strategy, and the most significant results often come after 6-12 months of consistent effort.

Can you guarantee a #1 ranking on Google?

As ethical SEO experts, we can't guarantee specific rankings. Search algorithms are complex and constantly changing. However, we can promise to use best practices to significantly improve your visibility and drive more traffic to your site.

Do you offer mobile SEO services?

Absolutely! Mobile SEO is crucial in today's smartphone-dominated world. We ensure your website is fully optimized for mobile devices, improving user experience and search rankings on mobile searches.

How does SEO benefit my e-commerce website?

SEO can dramatically increase your e-commerce website's visibility, driving more targeted traffic to your product pages. This often leads to higher conversion rates and increased sales.

Is paid advertising better than SEO?

Both SEO and paid advertising have their place in a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. While paid ads can bring quick results, SEO provides long-term, sustainable traffic. Our experts can help you find the right balance for your business goals.

How do you measure SEO success?

We track various metrics including organic traffic growth, keyword rankings, conversion rates, and ROI. Our transparent reporting keeps you informed about these key performance indicators.

Can you help with international SEO?

Yes, we have experience in international SEO. Whether you're targeting specific countries or languages, we can optimize your site to perform well in global markets.

Join Our Growing List of Satisfied Clients

Experience the Seologist difference. From local businesses to enterprise corporations,
we have the SEO knowledge to elevate your search rankings.

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