Google Search Generative Experience (SGE): A New Era in Search Technology

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What is Google Search Generative Experience?

Google SGE (Generative Search Experience) is a system where artificial intelligence provides short answers to users' queries on Google. Generative search creates content based on existing samples. If it becomes popular and accessible, online search, as we've known it for decades, will change forever. Users will have access to a new integrated search results page with detailed answers to their search queries.

Google SGE

What is the Difference between Conventional Search and SGE?

Traditional internet searches involve manual processes. Users enter a question or keyword, and the search engine crawls websites to provide answers according to its algorithms. Factors such as website authority, audience size, page type, and other factors influence the usability of any website, with top-quality websites appearing near the top of the results page. The traditional system does not create content but finds it on several sites, after which the user must independently follow the link.

In contrast, generative search doesn't just generate links: AI analyzes all search results, generates content, and displays it in the browser. According to Google representatives, this technology will allow humanity to search for a whole new set of questions that traditional Google searches would never be able to answer.

Conventional Search and SGE

Importance and Impact on Search Technology

Several benefits can be highlighted even without interacting with the new technology, based solely on information from Google:

Rapid learning of new or complex topics: Providing step-by-step solutions, comparisons, and specific action plans for the users.

Personalization of search results: The system will generate personalized results based on user preferences and actions, adapting content to their needs.

Promptness in answering specific questions: SGE will ensure swift retrieval of relevant information, positively impacting the user experience.

Facilitating the search, selection and purchase of goods: providing users with a separate store section for purchasing.

Accessible to a broader audience: using an automatic translator.

These advantages are particularly beneficial for users, as they will find it more convenient to interact with the search engine and receive answers to their queries.

Video from Google's official YouTube channel

How SGE Might Affect SEO

Websites could experience a decline in visibility and organic traffic, as SGE will occupy the top of the search results ahead of traditional organic listings. This could lead to a decrease in website traffic. However, according to a HubSpot report, 75% of web analysts believe that generative search will positively impact websites. Additionally, 68% predict that their blogs will receive more traffic than before.

Some websites will be included in AI-generated responses, which could significantly increase the number of visits and target actions on those sites.

Preparing for these changes is essential, as AI is rapidly evolving, and companies are actively seeking ways to integrate this tool.

How to Adapt to the Changes

We recommend that you maximize the effectiveness of your website to make it more likely to be integrated into AI-powered content and get higher search results. Here are a few points to focus on:

Creating Targeted Content: High-quality, relevant, and useful content is still required. The ultimate goal of AI is personalized analytics for each user, taking into account location, browsing history, device, and more. Google prefers first-person content that builds trust.

Focusing on Long-Tail Queries: Your site's content should go beyond superficial and general information. You must address longer and more specific queries to remain a relevant resource.

Adhering to E.E.A.T Factors (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness): As Google's generative AI redefines search, websites must also become more reliable, offering valuable and helpful user content that addresses customer issues.

Measurement Framework: Once the SGE is fully integrated, the reporting framework will likely change and become more complex. There may be a shift to focusing on conversion as the primary metric, with less emphasis on traffic and ranking.

You can learn more about the capabilities of SGE by watching the Google conference.

SGE — The Future of Google

We must understand that changes are coming, and SGE will affect everyone. Today, artificial intelligence cannot be ignored, and Google will continue to integrate it into its strategy.

It is crucial to prepare and stay updated with the changes gradually. Quality and targeted content remain a priority.

Keeping track of the changes introduced by the search engine is crucial. This is necessary to respond promptly to innovations and adjust your website promotion strategy accordingly. For effective website promotion in search engines, we recommend consulting our SEO experts, who are up-to-date with all the updates and can help elevate your website to the top of the search results.

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