SEOlogist Knowledge Sharing Blog

How to Choose the Right SEO Company in Toronto

How to Choose the Right SEO Company in Toronto

A staggering 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. This statistic alone underscores the pivotal role SEO plays in driving visibility and revenue for businesses on search engines like Google. As an entrepreneur in Toronto, partnering with the right SEO company can be the catalyst that propels your brand to the forefront of your industry. However, selecting the right SEO partner is no easy feat, as there are numerous factors to consider. ... Read More

International SEO: What to Keep in Mind

What is International SEO?

When you've already achieved remarkable results with local SEO and your product or service shows potential demand beyond your country's borders, international SEO comes into play. An international SEO strategy is a set of actions aimed at increasing your website's visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs) for different languages and countries. ... Read More

How to Get More Traffic on Your Brand Site in 2022

How to Get More Website Traffic

Your website is more important to the business than ever before. As more consumers take advantage of online purchasing and rely on the Internet to find the things they need, it makes sense to do everything possible to drive more traffic to your site. The good news is that you don’t have to wait. It’s possible to begin making some changes and watch your traffic increase in a matter of days. Here’s some suggestions on what to do. ... Read More

Passage Indexing, What We Know Already

Passage Indexing

Knowing how to play the system you find yourself in has been the key to success for many and Google’s expansive algorithm is no different. What difference does it make if you offer the best product or service in all of Canada if when people search for your industry, you are nowhere to be found. If a nut falls from a tree onto the ground and no one was there to hear it, did it really make a sound? ... Read More

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