SEOlogist Knowledge Sharing Blog

Your Comprehensive Guide For Voice Search Optimization

Guide For Voice Search Optimization

If you're reasonably up-to-date with the ever-evolving world of SEO, voice search is probably on your radar. But if you're overwhelmed by the emerging field of voice search, you're certainly not alone. Voice search an entirely new beast, with rules all its own. That's why we've compiled all of the best statistics and strategies related to voice search to create this simple, straightforward guide of voice search best practices. Follow all of these rules, and soon Alexa will be quoting your website in search results! ... Read More

Overview of Top Magento SEO Extension - Mageworx

Overview of Top Magento SEO Extension - Mageworx

Mageworx Magento SEO Extension: An extension that empowers the eCommerce industry Search engine optimization (SEO) is the bane of many eCommerce professionals in their day to day marketing efforts. Whether it is filling in metadata on hundreds of unique items, or dealing with layered navigation that seemingly breaks your SEO campaign everytime you change something, SEO is a marketing effort that is necessary but time-consuming. ... Read More

How a Smart Web Architect Makes All the Difference to Your SEO

What Can a Web Designer Do for You

​Web designers are professionals who offer services associate with the creation of web pages. Business owners who are preparing websites, landing pages, and other forms of presentation on the Internet call upon these professionals to help them ensure that the result is attractive, functional, and likely to attract positive attention from readers as well as search engines. Here are some examples of what a web designer can offer the customer. ... Read More

SEO Mistakes of e-Commerce Websites You Must Avoid

E-Commerce Websites SEO Mistakes to Avoid

You may not think that search engine optimization matters on e-commerce platforms. That can pave the way for some serious mistakes that prevent the platform from being effective as possible. While the approach is a little different, SEO does play an important role in the world of online marketplaces. Here are a few examples of the SEO mistakes that must be avoided if you want your e-commerce site to reach its full potential. ... Read More

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