SEOlogist Knowledge Sharing Blog

5 Simple Reasons Why Your SEO Efforts Aren’t Paying Off

Reasons Why Your SEO Efforts Are Not Paying Off

You created an online presence for your business many years ago. There was a time when your website, the ads you approved, and even the blog posts that you posted seemed to produce quite a few results. Unfortunately the returns they are producing these days are not what they were in the past. Simply put, your SEO efforts are not paying off any longer. What is happening and how can you change that? Here are five possible areas to consider and what you can do about them. ... Read More

SEO Today: Understanding When and How Rankbrain Impacts Search Engine Optimization

SEO Today - When and How Rankbrain Impacts SEO

SEO is more involved than merely including relevant keywords and phrases in web content. One of the more recent innovations to rank your pages higher in search engine results involves the use of artificial intelligence. More specifically, AIO (or Artificial Intelligence Optimization) is creating quite a bit of buzz with website and blog owners. When it comes to AIO, it’s hard to beat what RankBrain has to offer. ... Read More

SSL Certification: What You Need to Do Now and Why

SSL Certification What You Need to Do and Why

You’ve heard of Secure Sockets Layer before but perhaps it’s not been all that prominent on your radar. Much of your focus has been on putting together the most user-friendly website that you can. A lot of attention was paid to developing quality content, using the right images and in general making sure the site is informative and easy to navigate. ... Read More

5 Huge Reasons You Should Care About Content Marketing Metrics

Content Marketing Metrics

As any expert with a reputable SEO agency will tell you, content marketing metrics really do matter. They let you know if the content marketing you have in place is great, if it could be better, or if you need to start all over. Along the way, you'll get quite a bit of returns on your investment. Here are a few reasons why paying attention to those metrics matter. ... Read More

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