SEOlogist Knowledge Sharing Blog

Google Search Algorithm Updates: Should You Even Care?

Google Search Algorithm Updates: Should You Even Care?

​You would have to live under a rock for years not to know that Google updates search algorithms from time to time. Those changes may be major ones or they can be minor tweaks that create new editions or versions of the current algorithm. If you have an online presence that's connected with generating income, you can bet that being aware of those changes matter. ... Read More

Definitive Guide for E.A.T and Y.M.Y.L.

Definitive Guide for E.A.T and Y.M.Y.L.

​You already know that the text found on each of your web pages must serve a practical purpose. Without the proper focus and information that readers can use, Google is not likely to be impressed. Fortunately, there's a wealth of information that helps you understand how to serve your readers well while enjoying higher rankings in Google search results. ... Read More

SEO Backlinks Building Strategy in 2020

SEO Backlinks Building Strategy in 2020

Today's search engine optimization has evolved, and for those of us that are lucky enough to operate within this growing and often challenging field, the keys to a successful project are all balanced on 3 pillars. These pillars have changed over the years, and with these changes have come to a new generation of specialists that have bought in and leverage the importance of link building. ... Read More

The 8-Step SEO Strategy: Immediate Constituents

Seo Strategy

Ask the rank and file business professional about search engine optimization and related online strategies and you'll hear that it's all about ranking. While that's true, there are more elements to address. The goal is to ensure your online presence is a team effort that makes you competitive in more than just high results. All elements must be related and create a cohesive presence, from your YouTube videos to specific blog posts. ... Read More

Your Comprehensive Guide For Voice Search Optimization

Guide For Voice Search Optimization

If you're reasonably up-to-date with the ever-evolving world of SEO, voice search is probably on your radar. But if you're overwhelmed by the emerging field of voice search, you're certainly not alone. Voice search an entirely new beast, with rules all its own. That's why we've compiled all of the best statistics and strategies related to voice search to create this simple, straightforward guide of voice search best practices. Follow all of these rules, and soon Alexa will be quoting your website in search results! ... Read More

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