SEOlogist Knowledge Sharing Blog

How to Do a Website Audit

How to Do a Website Audit

You already know the importance of auditing your financial records from time to time. Have you considered that an audit of your website would be a good idea? The object is to determine if the site is providing the benefits you desire and possibly identifying ways to make it more effective. While there are several approaches to conducting this type of audit, start with this basic plan. Remember you can always embellish it as you go along. ... Read More

7 Reasons Why You Should Consider SEO Strategy in Order to Amplify Your PR Efforts

7 Reasons Why You Should Consider SEO Strategy

How often have you heard or read recently that all the aspects of communication of your company or brand with its customers should be covered under the joint strategy? I bet you already did a tremendous work aligning online public relations, social media, and customer support to share the same values when communicating to existing or potential clients. ... Read More

Search Engine Optimization Tips

Search Engine Optimization Tips

How much do you really know about search engine optimization? As the Internet continues to evolve, it’s only natural that the way people search for the information they need changes too. Even if you’ve had an online presence for years, it makes sense to take a second look at how you optimize your pages. Here are a few tips that will get you started. ... Read More

What is Search Engine Optimization?

What is Search Engine Optimization

You've heard the term ever since you launched your first website and posted that first blog. As familiar as it seems, do you really grasp the concept of search engine optimization? Now is a good time to step back and take a fresh look. You may be surprised at how much there is to this process and why it is so important. ... Read More

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